A Contemporary Designer rug 5’x8′
Petals in the wind
Have you ever noticed the way the trees, their branches, and their flowers dance right before the spring time rain? The way they sway in happiness to the spring breeze, like a child giddy with excitement right before receiving a long sought for treat. It is an absolute pleasure to watch our loyal, oxygen-giving friends do a celebratory dance, right before they are blessed with life from the skies. That’s is the picture I had in mind when designing this rug and that is the picture that comes to my mind when I see this rug.
This design is available in two unique color combination. 5’X8’ ft – Tibetan Knot.
100 % wool & silk
Size: 5’x 8′ (150x250cm)
Available in various sizes with custom option.

A Fine Persian Keshan Carpet 10’x13′ – k12050
“Keshan” Has Been The Origin Of Many Of The Greatest Persian Master Pieces. The Superbly Rendered Medallion Composition Of This Item Posseses All The Clarity Of Expression & Wonderful Handling of the colours.
100% Wool
Size: 10’x 13′ (310x430cm)